We also are going to start putting our pictures at the top of our posts like I've done with mine on this post. Before you had to scroll to the bottom I think. Now you can know right away who's posting. This just looks better and we seem more mature and professional. Or we will until you notice our avatars come from Nickelodeon cartoons or video games.
Nate and Rich can't clean worth anything. I guess all those lessons I gave went in one ear and out the other. Tragic, but expected. bye-bye!
Very nice honey. I learned how to clean though remember? You're the best teacher we could ask for.
I have to say that does look really good. I'm impressed. It gives the site a whole new vibe to it. We done good.
And for the record I just cleaned the kitchen sink with soap and hot water and even a sponge. Then we made ourselves little pizzas using English muffins and sauce. We cooked and cleaned. So there.
And how about that nice sofa huh? Wasn't that thing nice?
it was a very squishy sofa, but why does the white cat that looks brown get dibbs on the nicest chair in the house?
Snowy is the total tomcat and deserves a certain amount of respect. That chair was passed down from my neighbors to me and shall be his bed/throne where he commands and strikes fear into all creatures both small and large. It is the white cat's burden.
Cas, you should have seen the hamburger rolls they threw out this morning. They had forgotten about them since they bought them three weeks ago. they reminded me of slimer from ghostbusters.
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