Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What would Sylar do?

Sylar is easily the new mascot and hero of team Burning Lightning. After the events of Monday's episode we're glad to see that he'll be getting more screen time and it's quickly becoming clear that he's more of an interesting character than anyone else. By comparison everyone else is just sorta boring. Both Peters aren't all that intelligent, Hiro and Ando, while funny, don't seem to have the same spark anymore, and Nathan and Claire are getting repetitive. Sylar is continually stealing the show.
Seeing him and Noah working together was funny as Noah is used to being the smart thinking one of any group and Sylar quickly out thought him in every scene.
My bet, as far as theories go, is that Mrs. Patrelli does the same thing that Sylar does, but she never went as he has. She said she can do the dream the future, but she always does a suggestion hypno type thing to people. In the episode last year when she was talking to Nathan's wife she kept tugging and adjusting her clothes and hair and she did the same thing to Sylar when was trying to convince him to go along with her. My guess is that this will come out half way through the season and that at some point Sylar is going to kill and brain drain her.

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