Friday, October 24, 2008


Scene-9:00am at House of Burning Lightning. Rich is eating breakfast on couch, Nate is waking up, and Snowy is in comfy chair sleeping. Nate comes out of bedroom and Snowy sees him and gets up to say hi.

Rich-Morning. (munch, munch)
Nate-Mmmmmhhmmm. (Nate's not a morning person, surprise, surprise)
Rich-You've got today off right?
Nate-Mmmmm. (Snowy meows and jumps off chair)....Rich?
Nate-Why is the total tomcat limping?
Rich-Dunno....(They watch as Snowy limps across livingroom to say hi to Nate)
Nate-Today is going to be expensive isn't it?

After a quick preliminary exam, where one of us rubs his chin and the other looks over his paw we realized that his paw he's not walking on is a bit swollen and there's a small spot of blood on it. We noticed the spot last night, but didn't think much of it. We thought he just gave it to some unfortunate mousie and the blood got on him too, but now it looks like he's got some small cut that is probably infected.
I have a doctor's appointment myself this morning to say to my primary and ask why the room is spinning more and more each day. We have money saved in case of emergencies, but we were hoping it wouldn't be needed so early into the season. Also, while Snowy is the coolest cat ever, part of us is wondering if he'll get better all by himself. I mean, cats lived for millions of years without vet check-ups right? They must be doing something right on their own right?
Snowy went out briefly for about forty minutes then we brought him back in to sleep and rest in his chair. Hopefully, during that time he took care of all his needs that we don't want to clean up. Rich is on today so later I'll probably take him to the vet later.
On the good side, this means he officially part of our house as he's acquired our luck. Welcome to the team Snowy!

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