Friday, February 09, 2007

Cleaning up gender roles

Well everyone, I'm happy to finally let you all know that after June 6 I will be Cassandra Ward Edwards! After we get married we plan on moving out of our present place of residence, which is the nice large house we rent with Adam, Rich, and James. This morning James suddenly realized that if I move out no one will be around to clean. Yes, I do most if not all the cleaning in the house.

So today I started teaching how to clean. I began them with the bathroom. Just the shower and mopping the floor. I figure if I get through the real hard yucky stuff first they'll not be as grossed out when we get to the kitchen.

So, having said all that we now come to the question discussion part of the post. Why are women always doing the cleaning? Men will see the dirt just not care. Is it a guy thing I can never understand? When I move out with Shawn is anything ever going to get cleaned around here?


Hipster said...

We'll clean. It will be difficult, yes but we'll do it. It's not that men are incapable of cleaning it's just the women do it so much better more quickly than us so we don't bother.
Just you wait. You'll come over in July and the floor will be swept like you've never seen.

Headmaster said...

The money we save from not having to feed Boykind we could use to hire a maid. There...problem solved.

Dragonrane said...

Our one of you could get a girlfriend. As long as we're doing your type of logic we might as well entertain that possibility.

Poor girl.