Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Who would you marry?

The other night on Boston Legal Denny and Alan got married. To each other. They're both heterosexual, but that didn't bother them.

So in recognition of Adam and Kate's nuptials, my question, who would you marry if you were going to marry someone of the same sex given there was no sexual aspect to it at all? If it was strict platonic and always would be, who'd you tie the knot with?


Lilith said...

No sex at all? what's the fun in that? why get married then?

I guess if i had to marry someone...hipster's sister. she seems like she'd be fun to hang with til death do us part.

Defalco said...

I would probably end up marrying Rich. Adam, what we have is special, but Rich and I have a certain connection.


This has got to be the weirdest question we've had.

Alisha said...

look I'm alive!!!

Mr.222 said...

Shawn. We're opposites enough to keep things interesting, but not alike enough to make things boring.

Headmaster said...

Hipster and I would marry each other. We've been together this long, we might as well make it official.