Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Kids Today?

Well everyone, by the power invested in me by the Gallant Fraternity, I'm proclaiming us all official adults. Cas and I have a three month old, Rich and Alice are unexpectedly expecting, Jared and Hipster are moving to Seattle in but a week or so, and Nate's....well, Nate. We've all grown up considerably in the last three years. We're adults.

And now that we're here, I find myself asking a question. What was the big deal?

This isn't as bad as we're lead to believe when we're teens and under. All those ads and tv shows about how growing up and older is some scary terrible experience don't seem to be panning out for me. I'm okay with this. Why is there so much emphasis on staying young and hip? If I don't know all the latest bands what does it really matter? My Metallica cds sound just as good to me as they did when I first bought them over ten years ago. If some sixteen year old kid who doesn't have to shave yet thinks I'm old and boring because of this should I care?

I think not. I think we're adults and I think it's totally cool. I'm not as young as I used to be, but that's fine by me. If my knees aren't as durable as they were, why should that bother me? What's my rush anyway?

I'm married, I have a daughter, and I wouldn't trade them for anything. I'm okay with growing old. How about you?

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