Sunday, November 09, 2008

They want to do what?!

So it seems there is talk of now trying to bailout the auto industry. I can't believe this. Since when does the government think about doing this sort of thing? It was bad enough with the banks, and I can perhaps see the reasoning behind that, but the car makers!? Their cars aren't any good, how is that a tax payer problem? If they all go under will the people not be able to find new jobs? They might have some issues, yes, but again how is that a tax payer problem?

My dad and I have people work for us, if we hit hard times can we ask for government assistance because it will upset the income of our workers? How many people have to work for us before we can get help? This is ridiculous. What's even more disappointing is that it's probably going to go through.

I shoulda voted for Foamy. He wouldn't have put up with this crap.

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