Wednesday, December 17, 2008

How do we make this guy delicious?

Okay guys, with Jared and I now out here and settling in a question arises in our minds. Not how do we make this guy delicious, though there are a few cannibal junctions out here, but how do we stay Caravan despite not being able to uphold the rules?

As you can see from our lovely sidebar, the Caravan by laws state that a majority of members must meet at least once a week and further more, if a member misses more than three such meetings in a row they are removed from the roster. As Jared and I are no longer able to fulfill this requirement unless we intend to rack up large amounts of frequent flier miles it seems we have a problem.

Do we simply let ourselves part ways, least officially, or do we come up with a more Caravan style solution? We could reinvent our chats from the Dark Ages and say that it counts as a gathering, but that feels like a cop out. What say we all?

Oh, and Nine Tails and Raven say hi.


Mr.222 said...

Fear not Golden Sun, Rain of Lightning has the answer!

Okay, the Caravan is built upon the idea of shared experience and companionship. The reasoning behind the once a week meetings is to renew those bonds and insure they don't wither and fail over time. The threat of removal is mostly an empty one and only there to insure that one of us does not become lazy and continually miss gatherings.

The act of gathering is the end itself not a means to an end.There is no special purpose we must fulfill at the gathering, the gathering is it's own purpose. We meet to celebrate each other as it were.

Thus, all you have to do is indoctrinate a new member or two, hold a gathering once a week and you're set. By celebrating your own friendships and bonds there you'll be celebrating all your friendships everywhere. You will be honoring the Caravan Code without the bulk of Caravan members.

And thus, does the Caravan become portable. I rule.

Defalco said...

That is some top form Rain of Lightning. That's why I'd marry you dude.

...Alice, that really was the weirdest question we've had.