Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hipster rambles about people, god, and....LIl' Wayne

Nate showed me this song this morning. In typical rapper fashion Lil' Wayne is talking about something completely different from the rest of the song, but that's as inevitable as the sun rise. It's sad that rappers barely talk about anything other than themselves anymore.

What's even more interesting is that if you really look at the lyrics and think about them you realize this is a pseudo christian rock song that is trying to tell us to remove ourselves from our worldly possessions and remember what's it like to live without the unnecessary constraints we put on ourselves and thus "Let It Rock". Then of course Lil' Wayne goes on about how much he enjoys the constraints he puts on himself and chasing needless dollars is cool with him.

Verse 1 : Kevin Rudolph)
I see your dirty face
High behind your collar
What is done in vain
Truth is hard to swallow
So you pray to God
To justify the way you live a lie, live a lie, live a lie
And you take your time
And you do your crime
Well you made your bed
I'm in mine

Because when I arrive
I, I bring the fire
Make you come alive
I can take you higher
What is this, forgot?
I must now remind you
Let It Rock
Let It Rock
Let It Rock

(Verse 2: Kevin Rudolph)
Now the son's disgraced
He, who knew his father
When he cursed his name
Turned, and chased the dollar
But it broke his heart
So he stuck his middle finger
To the world
To the world
To the world
And you take your time
And you stand in line
Well you'll get what's yours
I got mine

Because when I arrive
I, I bring the fire
Make you come alive
I can take you higher
What is this, forgot?
I must now remind you
Let It Rock
Let It Rock
Let It Rock

Because when I arrive
I, I bring the fire
Make you come alive
I can take you higher
What is this, forgot?
I must now remind you
Just Let It Rock
Let It Rock
Let It Rock
Let It Rock
Let It Rock

(Kevin Rudolph)
I wish I could be
As cool as you
And I wish I could say
The things you do
But I can't and I won't live a lie
No not this time

The world needs more of these type of songs. The other really good examples of this type of thing is the Mute Math album. Songs that are inspired by some sort of connection with a god, but not over done enough that listeners just brush them off as preaching. The world needs more subtlety. Everyone's got it into their heads the last few decades that shouting can save the world and accomplish something. As if if you deafen your opponent they'll agree with you.

The world has slipped into Us vs. Them with the lines of of who Us and who Them is being constantly redrawn with everyone being forcibly shoved onto a side before they get to stop and consider where they want to be or why they should even be there.

No one can be at ease being themselves anymore. Everyone's lost with no sense of connection, to each other, or god, or anything. Everyone feels like they're living a lie. No one really feels they can let it rock anymore.

Friday, October 24, 2008


Scene-9:00am at House of Burning Lightning. Rich is eating breakfast on couch, Nate is waking up, and Snowy is in comfy chair sleeping. Nate comes out of bedroom and Snowy sees him and gets up to say hi.

Rich-Morning. (munch, munch)
Nate-Mmmmmhhmmm. (Nate's not a morning person, surprise, surprise)
Rich-You've got today off right?
Nate-Mmmmm. (Snowy meows and jumps off chair)....Rich?
Nate-Why is the total tomcat limping?
Rich-Dunno....(They watch as Snowy limps across livingroom to say hi to Nate)
Nate-Today is going to be expensive isn't it?

After a quick preliminary exam, where one of us rubs his chin and the other looks over his paw we realized that his paw he's not walking on is a bit swollen and there's a small spot of blood on it. We noticed the spot last night, but didn't think much of it. We thought he just gave it to some unfortunate mousie and the blood got on him too, but now it looks like he's got some small cut that is probably infected.
I have a doctor's appointment myself this morning to say to my primary and ask why the room is spinning more and more each day. We have money saved in case of emergencies, but we were hoping it wouldn't be needed so early into the season. Also, while Snowy is the coolest cat ever, part of us is wondering if he'll get better all by himself. I mean, cats lived for millions of years without vet check-ups right? They must be doing something right on their own right?
Snowy went out briefly for about forty minutes then we brought him back in to sleep and rest in his chair. Hopefully, during that time he took care of all his needs that we don't want to clean up. Rich is on today so later I'll probably take him to the vet later.
On the good side, this means he officially part of our house as he's acquired our luck. Welcome to the team Snowy!

Monday, October 13, 2008


First off happy birthday Shawn. It's about time you got to twenty six like the rest of us.

Now, as you all may be aware Nate and I have semi-adopted the local stray cat. He's all white and sounds off like he's got a pair. What should we call him? I want to name him Xehanort, after the leader of the Organization 13 from Kingdom Hearts 2. Nate wants to call him Snowy and Alice wants to call him Whitestar, leader of GreenClan.

Well? What should it be?

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Productive day

We finally today at our weekly gathering at Nate and Rich's place did some minor updating to our profiles and the site. As you can see aside from Nate and Kate we all have brand new profile pics! As we don't make any income off anything here and aside from some of our parents no one ever comes here we should be fine in terms of copyright laws. There's plenty of other people everywhich where to get first who do this sort of thing.
We also are going to start putting our pictures at the top of our posts like I've done with mine on this post. Before you had to scroll to the bottom I think. Now you can know right away who's posting. This just looks better and we seem more mature and professional. Or we will until you notice our avatars come from Nickelodeon cartoons or video games.

Nate and Rich can't clean worth anything. I guess all those lessons I gave went in one ear and out the other. Tragic, but expected. bye-bye!