Wednesday, October 18, 2006

This isn't the week's question. Mr.222's in charge of that this week. The following is part of an actual conversation I had with Headmaster today. I had just read on drudgereport a headline about a boyfriend cutting off his girlfriend's head and then cooking her. Yeah, I know...

Me-Did you see this man? "Man decapitates and cooks girlfriend"?
Him-No, but I can't say I'm terribly surprised.
Me-What the hell is happening to the world? Everyone's going fuckin' crazy.
Him-No, everyone's always been insane. Now we just hear about it more.
Me-Naaa...I don't know man.
Him-These things have always been going on. Husbands have always been cheating on their wives and plotting how to get rid of them with their mistresses. Mothers have always been
killing their kids because they can't take the screaming anymore. Young women have always been marrying eighty year old men for money. The only difference now is media coverage.
Me-Media coverage?
Him-Dude, we've got five 24 hour news networks on our tv and we don't even get that good big city cable. They each gotta fill all that time somehow. And don't get me started on the internet.
Me-huh.....I guess that makes sense. Who's idea was 24 hour news anyway?
Him-If memory serves the first was CNN. Started by Ted Turner.
Me-Does that make him some kind of herald of evil?
Him-I've been saying it since 96. Maybe now you'll see that when I say something it's not just because I enjoy the feeling of my lips moving.
Me-So what's the solution then? Don't watch the tv news?
Him-Listen to the radio. They only give you sixty seconds of news once every hour. That should keep you informed and mostly mentally undamaged. You'd have to listen to Justin Timberlake though, so you might want to just blow your brains out now and save yourself some time.

Here he went into the kitchen to make himself a sandwich. After a moment I heard the radio come on.

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