Sunday, September 28, 2008

Enjoy the Silence

Well everyone in accordance with our Caravan heritage we will be performing-or rather not performing-another Caravan rite. We will not be speaking out loud as much as possible. This idea mostly came from Nate. He got tried of talking the other day so he went around nodding and pointing as much as he could. He later explained it was nice and we should all give it a try. So we're going to. Kate and Cassandra doubt anyone will be able to tell the difference with Adam.
Shawn and Cassandra will be talking as much as ever though as little Martina needs all the stimuli her nerve bundles can handle. We can respect that.
We don't know how long we will be doing this. Nate's been getting angry recently because his words are getting a bit more garbled than usual so he might do it longer than the rest of us. Also, he's down in the Caravan Rite count. It's nearly October and he hasn't done any this year. I've done my fill, but I won't be talking either.
We're hoping that not talking will push us to write and blog more, which as you may have noticed is really falling behind.
We start tomorrow! Nod at ya soon!

1 comment:

Defalco said...

This is much harder than I expected it to be. How the hell does Adam do it all the time? It seems I can't keep my mouth shut.