Tuesday, July 15, 2008

They'll make great uncles

This afternoon I had to run up town to do a couple work chores. Nate is over and I ask if he and Hipster want to tag along. We head up into North Conway and I stop at the first place I need to go. I tell the two of them I'll be about ten or twenty minutes. Hipster spots the park and the kids' playground and says he'll be over there. Nate says it's been a good while since he's had some good swinging so he says he'll be there too.
I'm in talking to the guy for maybe fifteen minutes and when I come out I head to the playground to get them. Nate is on the swings being watched by a group of kids that don't come up to my waist and explaining that to get really high on the swing you have to keep your legs straight and put your stomach muscles into it. Then he starts explaining which ones he means by patting his stomach between kicks.
Hipster is over at the other end up the playground completely drenched and soaked from the water hoses coming up from the ground and seems to be organizing half the playground into a game of freeze tag.
I call for them and they both slump their shoulders and after waving goodbye to everyone follow me back to the truck. The rest of the time in the truck they spend complaining about how they don't make playgrounds like they used to. Back in their day that place had a "totally bitchin' merry-go-round".

1 comment:

Augustine said...

I think I remember that merry go round. It was pretty sweet. I wonder why they took it down. Maybe it was getting old.