Sunday, June 29, 2008

Have you forgotten our quest?

You know guys, these last few months haven't really been our best. Or rather they have been and that's part of the trouble. I don't know about you, but I work better when I'm slightly angry about something. Being mildly annoyed or pissed about being pissed gives you a certain focus and purpose that being happy and content doesn't.

And this is where we're falling down! In the last six months Nate has had a girlfriend, broken up with her, and gone on Vicodin. Shawn and Cassandra are having the kid they've always wanted. Kate and Adam have moved in together and are having a stable, long term relationship. Hipster is looking forward to going out to Seattle in a few weeks so he can hang out with his sister and brother. I have matured out of video games!!!!

We're all happy.

And it sucks....

We don't get anything done when we're happy. We don't get so pissed about something we have to run to the nearest computer and blog about it. We don't get fired up to write short stories where our characters die at the end. We don't feel the burning need to share our rage with the world.

We're just happy to be happy....

We need to be angry again! We need to feel our world is crumbling around us and we're the only ones that can fight back. Or we at least need to feel. Currently, boys and girls...we suck.


Defalco said...

Yeah, I know Rich, but that's life. Mom explained to me just now it's part of that growing up thing we've been discussing on and off the last few weeks.
Maybe once it gets colder out your love of video games can come back and I can get pissed that I'm stuck inside. Or maybe we can both get girlfriends.
Emotionally stable ones of course, but interesting enough that we can be ourselves without getting that crazy scared look we're got so much in high school. Wouldn't that be nice?

Dragonrane said...

Did Nate Knox just suggest talking to girls? Am I dreaming? Are my eyes reading this correctly? Did Nate Knox just float the idea of getting a girlfriend?

What happened to, "I'm only happy when it rains?" What happened to, "What does it matter Dragonrane, I'm not the most important person in the world?" And my personal favorite, Mr.I'm-so-Zuko-it-hurts?

This is going to be good.