Sunday, June 08, 2008

Good news everyone!

The other day I was looking through things and going over some files. We have been doing official Caravan related activities (or lack there of) for over ten years. We may have mentioned this from time to time. Anyway, my point that I'm trying to make is that we're getting older. Or have gotten older as much as some of us may hate to admit it. In fact one of us is even on Medicare. Seriously.

We're not kids anymore. We've gotten organs, and gotten married, and been to weddings, and met younger brothers and new fathers, and matured, and even gotten pregnant on purpose! So as of this moment I am proclaiming us all full fledged adults! No way around it I'm afraid. I'm as shocked and disappointed as you, but there it is. We're adults. I guess we should start acting like it.

Or are we already? Damn it! I thought I had some good childish years left in me! Where's my Ps2?!

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