Wednesday, May 14, 2008

This sucks don't you think?

Starcraft 2 is going to be coming out some time this year. As long time Caravan fans may recall Starcraft came out ten years ago when we were all sixteen. We are now all twenty six, give or take a couple of us. Before I was obsessed about this game, but now not so much. I've grown and matured and I hate it. I want to be sitting outside stores waiting for this game, but I have better things to do. I need to go to work and pay bills and help people move things and have them help me move things. I miss the days when I could be free to be an immature, self-centered teenager. Does anyone else?

So my question for the week is this, does growing up mean you have to give up on things you once enjoyed or does it mean you don't feel the same need to do those things the way you did before?

I want to want my Starcraft damn it!

1 comment:

Defalco said...

Part of growing up is gaining insight and having experiences stacked upon you. As you get more stacked the things that used to be on top get shoved to the bottom and get less attention. As they get farther away they seem less and less important.

People are like pearls in that regard. You go through life collecting and growing. The surface won't be the surface for too long as something new will come along and cover it up soon.

Maybe maturity is simply the ability to recognize that you can't go back to the things that are buried and if you try it's not gonna work right. Maybe growing up is knowing when to let go.

Though I want to play Starcraft 2 too if only to see what happens to Raynor and Kerrigan.