Sunday, May 04, 2008

Are you happy now?

Recently while I was updating our myspace page I was describing Adam and how he hardly ever smiles and when he speaks it's usually some truthful fact that no one wants to hear. It got me thinking about the Truth in general. In our modern times it seems with media spin doctors, talking heads, and politicians constantly talking at us the Truth is hard to find.

But does Truth even exist? What is Truth? We each may have Truths. Are mine the same as yours? Could Truth be something the human mind invented to make it feel safe? Is there such a thing as Truth in the world or is everything we think of as Truth merely a lie we all agreed to?

1 comment:

Headmaster said...

Truth with a capital T I don't believe in. Truth only exists in small empirical situations. Testing psychical scientific laws for instance. If you're asking about Truth as in Ultimate Truth it doesn't exist. There's always going to be a certain degree of subjectivity to everything. One person's Truth is another's heresy. There is no such thing as Truth.

Not to say that everything we as a society believe in is a lie we unknowingly agreed to, but the idea of a seemingly higher undeniable force that is the embodiment of something we deem to be 'right' and 'proper' is laughable at best.