Friday, December 07, 2007


After we tried out rocking each other last week my good buddy and caravan brother Mr.222 decided we should have a contest amongst ourselves. A competition to end all competitions! We are calling it a King's Moot. I am told in a fantasy book series Mr.222 reads this is what one of the more badass kingdoms does to decide their next ruler. Kate and Dragonrane are calling it "Dorkout '07". I like our name better.

How it will work is whenever one of us achieves a victory of any type we assign it a point value on a scale of one to ten. One being you delivered a clever one liner while food shopping and ten being you saved the cheerleader from Sylar and thus saved the world. We have a chart all ready to chronicle and keep score. The contest started yesterday and will end midnight the 31st.

Whichever one of us wins shall earned the title of Lord. This would apply to all names be they real names, nicknames, nobody name, or Gallant Fraternity name. I would be Lord Hipster or Lord Quinn. Even Lord Jimbo if I so wished it...and I would.

Currently, Nate is in the lead. He got a five yesterday. One of us will try to leave a comment everyday to give you updates. Ta-ta everyone!


Dragonrane said...

Their totals thus far are Hipster 4, Boykind 6, Mr.222 and Headmaster tied at 7, and Nate has 9. We still have twenty two days left. It's anybody's game. Kate and I have been put in charge of recording and making sure there's fair play.
As it seems we can't stop them we're just going to go with the flow. We're taking bets. Smart money is on Nate and Adam pulling ahead early, Rich solidly in the middle, and Hipster and Shawn trying more and more outrageous crap to try to catch up.

I've got my money on Adam winning it all at 11:59 December 31st.

Lilith said...

Rich, Shawn, and Adam tied at 9, James is at 6, and Nate is still leading with 12. Rich though is planning on playing God of War 2 today til his thumbs hurt so he may have the lead by tonight, but I'm sure Nate or Adam will catch up.

Till tomorrow guys!

Lilith said...

Shawn 17, Rich 17, Adam 14, James trailing with only 8, and finally Nate has 28. Yes, I said 28. Nate is kicking ass. Yesterday the 11th, he got an eight and then a five. He more than doubled in a day. Pick up the pace Jimbo!

Hipster said...

Well sure he's winning and getting all sorts of points! If I had a hot girl over for "movies" once a week I'd be cleaning house too!

I've just hit a bit of a dry spell is all. I'll be out of it by Friday. My time! My time!

Dragonrane said...

As of 11:46 pm Thursday the 13th the totals are as follows and I quote, Shawn 22, James 14, Rich 25, Adam 19, and Nate leading with 33. As we get on more the distance between them should lengthen. Jimbo says he's going all out this weekend and bringing out the A material. We'll see. Rich is coming along nicely. He thanks the lightning god. That should go without saying. I still think Adam is waiting and biding his time.

Ta ta people!

Lilith said...

James 17, Shawn and Adam tied at 24, Rich at 36, and Nate 45. Nate had a day at work where he had to be all badass it seems. He got two 2's and two 4's. Rich got three 3's and a 2 today.
Nate's distance is increasing daily. Who can catch him? Who?

Dragonrane said...

Sorry we haven't had an update in the last few days. We've been doing things. Digging ourselves out from Noreasters, having birthdays, discovering we're pregnant, these things take time away from blogs.

Yes, you read that last reason right! I'm going to have a baby!

Totals are Shawn 51, James 34, Rich 55, Adam 43, and Nate....76. 11 days left. Someone that isn't Nate could still win, but each day it's getting less and less likely.

What's a good boy's name? For a girl we're thinking we like the sound of Stephanie. What about boy though?

Lilith said...

Shawn 85, Rich 87, Adam 78, James 68, and Nate 115. Nate is going to win. Unless my boyfriend kills him and takes his powers, which rumor has it Adam can do.