Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Does happy equal boring?

The last couple months, ever since our post on scars, Nate and Adam have been hinting at this idea. As you long time readers and friends of ours may know Nate and Adam are not the happiest, go-luckiest duo you'll ever meet, but they insist (and they may have a point) that this is what makes them interesting and unique.

So if we assume for the sake of discussion that being miserable and having scars makes you interesting then does this mean that being happy makes you boring? Can someone who has never had anything bad happen to them be interesting? Or are happy, pleasant people doomed to live a bland bored existense?


Dragonrane said...

They may not really be all that interesting. Maybe since they hardly ever talk and never make nearly any facial expression we just naturally think they're holding back all these hidden insights. For all we know they may just be singing old Backstreet Boy songs in their heads over and over.

Headmaster said...

We don't sing. We replay the songs complete with mental story boards for violent music videos.

On a more on topic note, what makes happy people boring is that their view of the world is unrealistic. They grow up being told that life is full of happy endings and sugar plums. They watch too much WB or CW or whatever they're calling it now and think that life is happy and bright all the time. Their crush and/or prince or princess will one day magically fall into their laps and they'll live happily ever after. They think life is nothing but getting another new car, a new big screen HD tv, or another brighter and shiner ipod.

Deep down though they can't help but feel there's something missing, something wrong. Then they see people like us. People who've experienced things and been through hardships. They see people like us and can't look away. They find us fascinating. They begin to wonder if they're more to life then what they thought. They aren't simply drawn to us because they find us interesting or want to help us become happy again. They are drawn to us for a much simpler reason.

Deep down, they wish they were us.

Hipster said...

Mommy! Mommy! Adam's being scary again!

Dragonrane said...

Don't worry honey, mommy's here. Adam stop scaring your brother!

Defalco said...

I don't know about boring or interesting, but unhappy and miserable people get more done in life. The type of person that's unhappy and feel they have something to prove usually are much more driven to achieve something. If you're happy and content with your situation what reason do you have grow and expand?

Self loathing leads to self improvement. If that makes someone more interesting then so be it.