Thursday, October 25, 2007

Men and Ad Executives are Pigs...and Dumb

Watching Adult Swim the other night I caught an ad for Trojan condoms. They show a bar full of giant pigs at tables and one or two women looking around acting afraid. One of the pigs goes into the bathroom and buys a pack of Trojans from the vending machine and transforms into a man. A man who, by the way, looked better as a pig. Where do they get these guys?

Anyway, the now man looking man walks back into the bar and starts chatting with one of the women, who he shouldn't a chance with as a man or a pig. The tag line comes on saying how guys can evolve from pigs by using condoms.

This is the stupidest ad I may have ever seen. I can only assume that no women were present when this ad campaign was being thought up. I've got a news flash for all you guys out there. We women don't call you pigs and dogs because you don't use condoms. We call you that because all you want is one thing from us. Like a pig only wanting the next meal or a dog only wanting the next piece of meat. You ignore everything about the rest of who we are and just go after our bodies. You think of us as conquests and things to be claimed and won. Once you've got what you want from us you move on to the next conquest. Just like a pig or a dog that goes after the next meal once it's done.

If you boys really want to evolve try talking to us while looking at our eyes instead of our chests.

1 comment:

Hipster said...

Mmmm tell it sister...