Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Who are you?

I was looking over the last post and this came to me. Rich said that no video games or internet robbed him of his identity, but that he feels good about it and doesn't seem to mind. So if he's not him then who is he? Who are any of us? Are we the we we think we are?

Is our identity a rough collection of what circumstances have shaped us into or is there a part of us deep down buried underneath everything that never changes and can never change? Are we always going to be us no matter what or could we be changed?

1 comment:

Dragonrane said...

When we're born we're completely blank. Who we are comes from our experiences and for better or worse what happens to us.

Abused children will grow up to be emotionally scared and they can't overcome that part of their identity just as kids that grew up in happy, loving environments will have personalities that reflect that.