Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Training, The Prayers, The Fight Club?

Out here we're starting the training of the next generation of Caravaners. I've got Ben and his friend Max, Nine Tails and Maximum respectively, slowly learning how to develop and perform bits, how to be Caravan cool, and of course to up hold the standards and practices of all the is Caravan.

However, I hit a road block. I was explaining something and I said, "But that's like talking about Fight Club, it's just not done." They then asked what Fight Club was and why it was bad to talk about it. It hit me that they haven't seen Fight Club and that as ten year olds perhaps they shouldn't see Fight Club.

But I want to sit down and watch Fight Club with them! That movie is beyond awesome and we all saw what it did for Nate. It gives us so much and asks for so little in return. It would be wrong to withhold such a film from them simply because they're too young.

My question, should I rent Fight Club and watch it with them or should I try to explain the concepts in the movie without the violent visual aides? It's not that bad is it? We watched far worse when we were younger than them didn't we? I can't think of anything right now, but I must have. Well?