Sunday, August 17, 2008


Hello everyone, Headmaster here. Despite what you may be starting to think or believe we are all still alive, even Nate. We're hoping to begin posting at our regular rate soon, but it might be a couple weeks before we can pick up the pace again. Shawn and Cassandra are awaiting their first born, which should be along nearly any day now, Hipster is out in Seattle for another week visiting his family, and Rich and Nate are preparing to move into their new place, the House of Burning Lightning.
Nate and Rich also have started their separate journal, named Burning Lightning of course. With these things all going on none of us have had the time or urge to commit seriously to this site. Currently Rich is living in a tent pitched in Shawn and Cas's back yard and spends his time either working or with Alice.
Kate and I haven't felt the urge to blog take as us as of late. We'll be back and running at full capacity by early or mid September. Scouts' honor.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Anxious much?

Two nights ago I had a dream where I was walking around the debris area of an alien crash landing. There were people searching and helicopters beaming down searchlights and one hits me and I realize I'm completely naked. I run into the trees then soon wake up.
Last night I dream I'm in the shower and my entire freshmen German class is in the bathroom with me and we each have to introduce ourselves and the shower curtain gets pulled back and everyone is staring at me being naked.
I wake up this morning and remember that being naked in a dream is a metaphor for feeling under prepared. I try to think up what I'm feeling anxious about then the misses walks into the room with her basketball sized stomach and I realize the answer.
This whole thing seemed so less scarier seven months ago.