Monday, February 11, 2008

God, I'm bored

They've taken off for the week, but I stayed behind. With the weather Hipster, Kate, and Rich went out Sunday morning before the next storm hit so they could be sure they didn't stuck here all week. Dragonrane, Adam, and Shawn left this morning.

So here I am, alone, sitting in my basement by the lackluster fire in Albany NH for the next week. Mandy's car is broken again and she has doctors appointments anyway so I probably won't even get to see her. God, this is going to be boring. I was at Shaws today and a Backstreet Boys came on and I instinctively turned thinking I was going to see Hipster starting to dance, but no. I went to Music for Less and found the next season of Full Metal Alchemist and was all excited that me and Rich would have something to watch, but then I remembered. I still bought the Full Metal of course, but I'll have to watch it alone now. I don't even have to go to work at all.

This sucks.


Defalco said...

So today I went out and got the first half of the second season of Full Metal Alchemist and watched the first and second discs. Eight episodes total. I also kept the fire going in the basement where I was watching these episodes. A little while ago I heard a strange scratching, snarling noise. I couldn't figure out what it was at first and I thought it might be a mouse somewhere, but when I stopped the music and looked around I discovered it was my cat Spunky breathing against the concrete floor. She was sleeping next to the stove. She's silly like that.

Tomorrow maybe I'll watch the rest of the episodes or play some video games. Perhaps I'll do both. Or maybe I'll feel industrious and do my taxes so I can have money to buy more DVD's. Rich will be so jealous. I can hear him now, "Nate, your DVD collection rivals that of even the great lightning god himself! What manner of man have you become to challenge him so? I, Richard Edmont of the mighty Edmont clan, serving the holy Lightning God with our skills and cake making abilities since the fall of Old Valria by the Wind demons in the fourth age of man, must stop your affront to his greatness! I will amass an even greater collection! I will scour the Earth until I find even the most rarest of rare DVD's! I swear on the soul crystal of the sky demon HakTou himself!"

I have no idea what I just said, but I beat that's something that he'd say. And then Dragonrane would hit him upside the head or something.

Five days....

Defalco said...

Today I was thining about doing taxes and even got as far as bringing the forms up to my room and putting on music, but then ambition left me. Pity because I would like that money.

I also watched a couple Law and Order episodes with dad that we hadn't seen before. That was new and different. Once that was over with I watched the last few episodes of Full Metal that I had gotten. That really is a cool show.

The fire had died in the basement so I had to go up to my room to do things on my laptop.

Four days.

Defalco said...

Why do the cashiers at Shaws' always hand you back your coin change, bill change, and receipt all together? Then you have to stop and seperate it to put it back into your pocket and you end up dropping something and you have to stop to pick it up and you just feel like an idiot while everyone waits for you to move so they can start bagging their stuff.
Where's the suggestion box!?

Boykind said...

We're back man, you can relax. We'll see you later. We're tired.