Monday, December 31, 2007

Lord Defalco

Nate won the lord contest. It was by a good margin too. I can't help but think that by getting a girlfriend the exact day it started was somehow part of his plan. It was also the six month wedding anniversity of Dragonrane and Boykind, Adam and Kate's six month anniversity, and his year and half anniversity. If he did somehow plan all this he deserved to win.

So as of when I log off and let him take the computer Nate will be changing his name here from Mike to Lord Defalco. 2007 has been a good year for us. The best part of which was the addition of Kate, Alisha, and hopefully soon Mandy. The latter of the three we just haven't gotten around to sending the invite too, but we will be doing so soon.

We look forward to another great one in 2008! See you all soon!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Happy Birthday Honey

Happy Birthday Dragonrane! She's finally joined the quarter century club. Happy birthday!

Friday, December 07, 2007


After we tried out rocking each other last week my good buddy and caravan brother Mr.222 decided we should have a contest amongst ourselves. A competition to end all competitions! We are calling it a King's Moot. I am told in a fantasy book series Mr.222 reads this is what one of the more badass kingdoms does to decide their next ruler. Kate and Dragonrane are calling it "Dorkout '07". I like our name better.

How it will work is whenever one of us achieves a victory of any type we assign it a point value on a scale of one to ten. One being you delivered a clever one liner while food shopping and ten being you saved the cheerleader from Sylar and thus saved the world. We have a chart all ready to chronicle and keep score. The contest started yesterday and will end midnight the 31st.

Whichever one of us wins shall earned the title of Lord. This would apply to all names be they real names, nicknames, nobody name, or Gallant Fraternity name. I would be Lord Hipster or Lord Quinn. Even Lord Jimbo if I so wished it...and I would.

Currently, Nate is in the lead. He got a five yesterday. One of us will try to leave a comment everyday to give you updates. Ta-ta everyone!