Monday, September 17, 2007

Nightmares and Dreamscapes

When checking my email this morning (no one ever writes to me...I hate you all) my eye was caught by a blurb on Yahoo saying it explained what nightmares were caused by. As I have all sorts of nightmares I gave the blurb a look see and it turns out that nightmares are our minds way of dealing with mental and/or emotional trauma. Some might say for me that makes perfect sense, but what about others? What kind of nightmares, if any, do you have and what do you think causes them?


Lilith said...

My nightmares are pretty mundane. Like old boyfriends telling me nasty things, parents calling me names, etc. It's pretty boring. I wish I had more weird dreams.

Headmaster said...

There's different types of nightmares each with it's own root. There are personal nightmares, like when you dream someone close to you has died or gotten ill. There are fear nightmares, if you're afraid of spiders you dream about being chased by spiders. Then there are the kind that I have. I don't really know what causes those kind. I have an imagination. That's most likely what the root of it is.

Defalco said...

Okay, I dreamt that I was in this castle and a flesh eating demon spider baby was born and to try to get on it's good side so it wouldn't eat me I was going to hollow out babies and fill them with chocolate and give them to the spider as gifts.
I think the mental/emotional trauma I'm trying to process there is the time I read the Dark Tower series.

Are those the types of dreams you get Adam?

Headmaster said...

Yeah, I get eaten alive by things now and then. I don't think I'm sold on this idea of why we have nightmares though. My emotional trauma was quite a long time ago now. I stopped dreaming about it years and years ago. I think my imagination's to blame more than emotional scars.

Why does everything have to be caused by our feelings being screwy? Why does everyone have to try to be perfect? I want to stay scared and battered. Like we said in our scar post a few weeks ago, being unmarked is just boring. It's so bland. Our scars and nightmares are what make us humans with something to offer.

The fact I dream about killing angels is what makes me me. The idea that I may dream about being stabbed to death or shot once a week sets me apart from the rest of the population. I am unique. Why would I want to change that? Why would I want to have happy dreams where I'm frolicking through flower fields? That'd be so pathetic.

Defalco said...

Any of you ever have had reoccurring dreams? Through my life I've dreamt that I was stuck in a library or bookstore with people I'd never met and there was some kind of invisible evil force after us. The first few times I had the dream when I was little it was scary, but during the later years I fought back. I actually made one dream into a chapter in my book.

I thought about it once and decoded the dream. I haven't had it since. I'm a bit disappointed. I was enjoying fighting invisible demons.

And since you're wondering. The bookstore/library is my mind. The other people are like all the different parts of me and the invisible evil is my dark half lurking through unseen. Neat huh?

Mr.222 said...

It's at times like this that I get really jealous of you two. I've never really had anything interesting or noteworthy happen to me. My life has been so lame. I barely even have any scars at all.

The scariest nightmares I have are ones where I'm back at Kennett and I don't know my schedule.

Can you two think of anything I could do to become more badass like you?

Defalco said...

Finding the right kind of trauma for you isn't as easy as you think. The longer and more intense it is though the better. Maybe you should join the army and go to Iraq? Betcha you'd get some good nightmares and scars out of it. Try to make as many friends as you can that way when they get blown to pieces right in front of you you'll become even more emotionally dead.