Sunday, September 09, 2007


Each year I forget how much I love the fall. It's maybe better that way as it makes it extra special when I remember. Tuesday the Earth season of Avatar comes out on DVD. All our favorite shows are coming back for more fun filled fun. Avatar's third and final season begins September 25th, House comes back soon, ER, Heroes, it's just getting better and better! Fall is by far the best time of year.

And what of games? Surly Mr.222, he who is known as the Rain of Lightning, the Carrier of the holy Mind Lightning, servant of the great Lightning God, and Ravager of Squaresoft must be playing a game. I'm playing the greatest game ever. The game that makes me feel alive.

I'm playing Jak 2.

Jak 3 was good too, but not quite as good as Jak 2.

In fall we can start picking out christmas presents for each other. My birthday is about a month after christmas. Kingdom Hearts 2 Final mix+ should be out by then along with Avatar season 3 Fire. How can anyone hate fall when there is so much beauty in the world?


Defalco said...

So glad you enjoyed Jak 3. I remember when you played it the first time. I had gotten it for my birthday, but that was when I had just started dialysis and was working forty hours a week and when I wasn't working I was driving to Portland. Then when I got the game I was all happy, but I got my fistula on my birthday too and the wrist pain stopped me from playing games so you took the game and played it before me and claimed it was for 'quality control'.

Good times...good times

Dragonrane said...

I remember that. You really did do that! I remember coming over to see how he was doing to find you playing his game while he watched from the couch holding an ice pack over his arm. Nate, I hope he gave you all sorts of presents later to make up for that.

Rich, can be maybe avoid fall and winter of your insane gaming rants where you make up even more names for yourself? hmmmm?

Hipster said...

It's not like he's going to have anything else to do Dragonrane. Just don't check here that often. I'll check for you and say if there's anything worth commenting on.