Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Stand up and say hi

Well everybody in our ending quest for equality, or our never ending quest to get Dragonrane to stop nagging us, we have yet another new member. Once again a girl. Hooray for equality! Her interests include writing, journalism, and reading. She's going to be a senior in Kennett this year and her favorite subject is German. One of her favorite teachers is our old buddy Herr Weitz. Her hobbies are listening to country music, surfing the web, and feeling guilty over her bad handwriting on Christmas ornaments. I think she'll fit in fine. Everyone say hi now.


Alisha said...

yippee for warm welcomes! I feel honored. :] so you guys like good 'ol herr eh? he's pretty awesome.

Hipster said...

Well guten freakin' tag! Ich Hiesse Hipster. Wie geht's? We know much of Herr Weitz. Little known fact, we once thought about starting a club and we figured he'd be the only teacher crazy enough to be our club adviser. We never got around to doing it though and never told him our plans for total high school domination. Shame too, would have been awesome.
Welcome aboard the Caravan!

Lilith said...

Am I the only one here then that doesn't know any German? I feel left out.

Hi Alisha. I'm Kate.