Saturday, August 25, 2007


Our good buddy and proud blogging member Nate spent four days in the hospital last week on a morphine drip. He had a rather simple procedure done Friday that resulted in a blocked pancreas.
He said it was a 8 to 9 on the pain scale.

Anywho, when it was all over we had a welcome back (again) get together at the house and I got to see the post hospitalization discussion/arguement between Nate and Dragonrane. These are always enjoyable as Nate drops all the best Nate-isms.

This time his best was, "What's the point?! What difference does it make in the long run?! I'm not the most important person in the world!"

So if it's not Nate, is it possible there is a most important person in the world? A person that the world needs, but maybe doesn't realize it? Or perhaps are we all equally important? But if we're all important doesn't that mean that none of us are? What do you think?


Mr.222 said...

Importance I tend to think of as relative. It depends on what one wants to achieve. Like a woodworker is important to a house being built, but not to a rocket launch. Importance is different situation to situation.

Alisha said...

we're all equally important to each other, and that's because almost every action we take affects someone else through a huge chain reaction. Which means we're all connected. which means the fact of whether we're equally important or not is irrelevant, because we just exist together. maybe all humans are just really one big conflicting life.