Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Tis a shame people are weak

I was checking news on drudge and found this little gem.
If people around you are fat you're more likely to be fat. Yet Another excuse for people to get overweight. Their friend puts on weight so they put on weight, which makes their friend put on weight, which get the idea.

You know guys, I love America, but I have to say I'm really starting to hate Americans. We think everything should be free and/or cheap because we're us, we're getting fatter each year and don't seem to have a big problem with it, and our reaction to the war on terror is near sickening.

Where did it all go so wrong huh? Was it the sixites? Was it the eighties? Is it too late to turn back? Can America be saved? Or better yet, should America be saved?


Headmaster said...

You take everything so seriously Shawn. Learn not to take the cycle of history so personally. These things happen, it's tragic some would say, but it's inevitable.
My advice is to try not to think about it too much.

Defalco said...

I don't think America can be saved anymore. People have gotten to a point where the steps necessary to save them are so hard that no one would want to give them a try. I've run some numbers on this. My best guess is that only one of a hundred people are worth the effort you'd have to put into them.

Also, you'd have to remember maintaince. People can't be left on their own. They need someone telling them what to do nonstop or they don't know how to act or think. They're a lot like your pet dog. Unless you constantly tell them to sit, eat, or stay, they just start ripping apart the furniture.

Anonymous said...

A pessimist is never disappointed, but allow a little space for optimism too! I find that if I think of people not as the reflection of an ideal God - but more as flawed but slightly entertaining mammals - that they seem more lovable.

Bruce Gans