Friday, June 29, 2007

A strange thought

The other night we were watching the Colbert Report (as everyone should) and he interviewed someone who had done research into physical characteristics that homosexual people had. The ones they showed during the interview were the hair will swirl a different direction and the ring finger and index finger will have certain length ratios. I'll give you all a moment to look this up and check yourselves.

Done? Good, I hope you came out the way you were hoping. Anyway, during the Colbert interview Stephen asked if this meant that homosexuality was genetic or maybe decided while the baby was still growing prebirth could that mean it could be identified and treated to be switched into a straight baby. The man reluctantly said that it was a ways away, but he didn't see why not.

But, if you could make a gay baby straight then why couldn't you turn a straight baby gay I asked myself. Then I remembered this from a month or so ago.

If we combine the two ideas what do we get? A self propagating colony of lesbians! Two women could have a baby on their own and make sure it's gay. The girls would grow up never seeing a man, but they wouldn't care because they're all gay. Their offspring would always be girls due to that neither of them would have the Y chromosome that is needed to make a boy baby, but I doubt they'd mind.

So, Kate and Natalie, if this marriage thing falls through for me which one of you wants to have my baby?


Lilith said...

We could have each other's babies. I could have yours, Natalie could have mine, and you could have Natalie's. It'd be perfect.

We should start thinking about baby names girls. For ours Cas, I like the name Shawna. Natalie, I'd like to name ours Kristine. I've always liked that name. I have an aunt named that.

Dragonrane said...

Shawna works for me. I was thinking that me and Natalie's could be named Heather, but Heather's one of those names that sounds good, but then you remember someone you once knew named that that you didn't like.

Anyone have any suggestions for names?

Mr.222 said...

The Natalie/Cassandra daughter should be named Andrea. Nate and I would of course have to put in charge of training. The girl would have natural artistic powers, but with our training she could call forth the strength of the great lightning god!
Imagine the possibilities!!

Boykind said...

You could have the baby name book I found at my parents house the other day. I guess I won't be needing it....