Monday, June 18, 2007

Manly men and the fathers who raised them

After reading through last week's question on scars it got me thinking about what's become of true manliness. Over the last decade or so what it means to be a man has stopped being what it should be (integrity, honor, standing up for others, etc..) and has transformed into something horribly wrong (Viagra, Rogaine, sexual conquests, etc...) . After I had given this some thought I came to the conclusion the fault may lay with the fathers of today's generation. They were and still are our primary role models and teachers on how to properly behave and bare the brunt of molding us into the men we eventually become.

So, as yesterday was father's day, let's talk about our dads. How cool were they huh? And more importantly were they the man?


Hipster said...

Oh you damn right my dad was the man.
My parents got divorced when I was seven and a few months later my mom moved away, my sister went with her, but I opted to stay with dad cuz he was so cool. We were and still are the dynamic duo. We'd rent crappy pg 13 action movies because he didn't think I should be seeing the R ones even though I really wanted to. He'd always be nagging me to do my homework and chores. He'd show me how to lift weights when I wanted to get buff and then know not to nag me about it next week when I had completely forgotten to keep lifting weights.
He even gave me 'the talk' when I got my first girlfriend complete with the 'knock her up and I'll kick your ass so hard grandma will call wondering why she can't sit down' speech. That's an exact quote too.

He was the man and thusly, I am the man.

Dragonrane said...

I thought it was your children that are supposed to feel it? Like the pain lingers and is so lasting that you pass it down. Why would your grandmother feel it?

Hipster said...

....Shouldn't you be off knitting or something? We're having guy time. Don't spoil the fun.

Okay, fine! So he got it wrong, but just go with alright?

Defalco said...

My dad was swell. He worked a lot and got home tired so I don't really remember and huge father/son moments or trips or vacations. I'm not a serial killer and I never went hungry so I'd say he did his job.

Although come to think of it when I was a cub scout I remember we did enter the father/son cake contest. There were a few categories and we won first for tallest cake with our three, yes three, layer cake. We rock!

Now that I remember I recall someone won first for best decorated cake with illegal help from their mother.

Mr.222 said...

Oh she did so NOT help. That cake was purely the work of Edmont and Son (tm). You're just jealous of our artistic vision and skill in frosting manipulation. Me and dad rocked that cake contest and continue to this day to rock what comes our way.