Thursday, June 07, 2007

I never liked blondes

Paris Hilton has been released from jail after five days and will spend the next 40 under house arrest with an electronic monitoring device. I'm not usually one to get upset about these type of things, but what the hell? Five days and she gets out? It's just disgusting.


Headmaster said...

Al Sharpton is coming out against this too. This is complete crap. Five of the potential 45 days is quite the black spot on the justice system.

What makes this even worse is that it's exactly what we were all expecting.

Anonymous said...

Oh wait, it was apparently only 72 hours, but it counts as five days because of the...something. I read something off Drudge that says she had trouble sleeping and her cell was cold. That's off a gossip site so one can't say it's total fact. It might be wrong, but it wouldn't surprise me if it were true.

Does she think jail is supposed to be warm and fuzy? It's jail. There's a reason people hire expensive lawyers to keep them out.
The whole point is that it sucks and you don't want to go there. That's why you don't want to break the law to be begin with. So you don't go to jail where it's cold and you can't sleep with all the other criminals making all the racket.

The only thing this teaches her is that she can get what she wants if she complains and bitches enough.
God damn it, where's Foamy when you need him?

Anonymous said...

She was suicidal?! So instead putting her on suicide watch they just let her go home! What the hell?! Let her die! What purpose for the greater good does this woman serve? Does anything mean anything anymore?!


Hipster said...

Calm down dude, the judge has ordered her back into court for tomorrow. It seems he wasn't part of the decision in this. It's all going to be okay.
Justice will prevail and Paris Hilton will spend another 18 days in a cold jail cell eating awful food. Everything will work out fine. Just you wait.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry yesterday was a weird day for me. I woke up ready to tell Shawn something while he had his morning coffee, but realized halfway down the stairs that he wasn't there and that everyone else was asleep. That was a bit of a bummer, but then I turn the kitchen corner to find Kate the bridesmaid having her morning coffee in one of Adam's t-shirts. I may have gotten a nose bleed trying to wrap my mind around that one.

I go on to the blog and find a new member posting random letters and commenting. Then I go to news and find Paris Hilton is being let go. It's like my whole world is crashing down around me. One day and my entire sense of reality flies out the window.

Later though I was told that Hipster saved me. Hipster, by telling Natalie to pay no attention to me you have restored my faith in this world. You are my rock. You are the anchor that keeps me grounded. Telling cute girls to ignore me touched me in places that they now never will. It's a warm fuzzy feeling. Thank you. I'm feeling much better today.

Anonymous said...

Ha! She's going back! The judge realized that he was the judge and he had the power not the jail officers and thus it was so. Maybe this will do her some good. This could very well be the first time she's ever been held accountable for something she did.