Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Chicks dig scars don't they?

I was enjoying my daily double dose of ER this morning when I saw an ad for children's scar remover. The six year old boy had a scar from stitches above his right eye and he was all proud to tell me mommy that there was a cream he could use to take away the scar.
When did scars become not cool? What happened to small children showing off their scars to each other because it made them look all aged and mature? Do parents not want their kids to have character anymore? Are we all supposed to be small perfect, flawless clones of each that no one can tell apart?
I don't know about you guys, but I'm proud of all my scars. Scars are signs that you've achieved something. I wouldn't give up my mine for anything. From the one on my face that stops the hair from growing out all the way to my pulsating noisy wrist and of course my foot long slash across my stomach I love 'em all. Who in their right mind wouldn't want badass scars?


Hipster said...

I'm with you Nate. Scars are cool. Facial and chest are where the big money is made. You need the right attitude too though. Like if you can nail that tough brooding persona you've got it made. Then you're that mysterious stranger who's past holds secrets that the girl can't stop wondering about. And how can she help ease your inner pain? It's a gold mine.
All I got is a small circle on my right forearm from a bike accident when I was five. How lame.

Boykind said...

Scars are where the big money is gonna be made. Scars are the story of someone's life all laid out in flesh and bone. This scar rebellion of sorts is probably just another way of wanting to fit in and be like everyone else, which is getting tiresome.
A scar is a story and a story means you've done something or had something happen worth something. No marks or blemishes or scars is just boring. Who would want to be boring?

Mr.222 said...

I always wanted some good scars, but I've been too healthy and so has my fear of pain. You do have to admit though that I'm not boring.
Face scars can be very good. They're the scars that get your foot in the door and chest scars are the closers.
The trick is get into some situation where you are getting dressed and she comes in before you put your shirt on then 'oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were ready.' 'It's fine, what is it?'
Then you turn around and she sees the chest scars and starts talking but is all flustered and mesmerized and just stares at your chest. Then she gets closer and reaches out to touch you and you gently grab her wrist and she looks up into haunted, tortured eyes and stutters something like, '...uhh..how...?' Then you look away and say, 'it was a long time ago....it doesn't matter..' and she brushes your face scar with her hand and pulls your face back towards hers and the two of you just stare each other for a second then right as you're about to kiss the walls explodes and the ninjas that have been chasing you laugh that you're weak for letting yourself get caught. So you yell for the girl to run while you hold them off and she yells that she won't leave you and you shout some insult about how she's too stubborn for her own good then attack the lead ninja.
She runs into the other room to hide and hears all the fighting and furniture breaking then it finally stops and she's just sitting crouched in the corner too afraid to say anything then there's the sound of footsteps coming towards her and the door opens and you're standing there nearly panting, bleeding, covered in red, and with your pants all torn and you look at her and say, 'I think I'm going to need another shower.' then you fall over and she runs to you and rests your head in her lap as you smile up before passing out.

How fucking cool would that be?! Who wouldn't that?!

Hipster said...

That would be cool, yes. However, the years of training in the ninja arts in order to become a top level shin obi so one can be selected for an S-rank protection mission make it difficult to pull off. The amount of prep time necessary would be...excessive at best.

Granted, if after a few dates you and the girl decide you didn't click as much as you thought you would you could have a friendly split and you could go back to dojo and/or hideout for additional training and missions. It wouldn't be a complete lost, but it might seem a bit silly putting all that work into ten minutes of coolness.
Plus you would have to go through the effort of getting scars to begin with. Chances are you would have to be betrayed by your entire squad on a A or B rank mission. They would have to think you dead, but of course you clung to life if only to one day extract your terrible vengeance upon them.

What would be extra bonus super cool points would be if the girl gets taken by the ninjas and you go to their secret hideout to get her back and discover their leader is your right hand man that lead the betrayal all those years ago! Then in the final battle when you're about to kill him the girl stops you via the old, 'if you do that you'll be no better than him' and 'if you kill him you'll be lost forever to your inner demons.'
Then you let him live and he pulls the secret knife and starts to throw it, but you swirl and cut off his arm before he can throw. Finally as he's laying there bleeding he says, 'I thought you weren't going to kill me?' and you do your dark badass smirk and say,'don't worry. You'll live."
Then you and the girl walk out as your backup arrives for cleanup.

...you know I think we got something here. We should flush this out and sell it to a movie studio or something. We'd make millions.

Dragonrane said...

What's interesting about this is that out of the two of you Mr.222's is the most romantic. Romantic in that overly macho destructive sense you guys love, but still romantic I guess.

Boykind said...

Yeah, that is weird. Must be all that anime he watches.