Monday, April 02, 2007


AMV's or Anime Music Video's number by the thousand on youtube and other sites. Most of them are complete crap. Some of them are quite good.

Do they qualify as art? At what point does something become art? Does it matter that neither the visuals or the song were made by the creator of the video?

I chose this one because Nate likes it so much. He calls this song his dialysis theme. If you listen to the words you can guess why. I have to say I dig it too.


Hipster said...

I say yes. Maybe I explain later. We'll see.

Hipster said...
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Hipster said...

Art is anything that makes us feel something or inspires us. Potentially anything created could be called art.
This video is art. All the others are too they just suck. Think of them as two year old drawings. Just because they can't pull it off doesn't take away from their intent.