Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Gays

Tuesday I went with Nate to his month checkup. The receptionist had a soap opera on (Passions, if you're curious) and there in one of the scenes there was a guy getting out of the shower and talking to someone in bed. The person in bed was under blankets and wasn't talking so you couldn't see or know who it was. I'm sure the shocking truth will come out during sweeps.
The shower guy starts talking and we discover the person in bed is another man. Shower man starts explaining how this was just about sex for him and he can't return Mr. Bed's feelings. He goes on to explain how this is the last time and love can only exist between a man and woman.
He might have talked about how he needed to refocus on his wife or girlfriend nurses were talking a lot so I missed some.
First off, how much was that guy in denial huh? Perfectly okay with having sex with another guy, but acts like he's not gay? What's up with that? Secondly, and more to my point, I want to talk about gay people. Not being gay or having any gay friends I admit I may be sheltered.
Are people born gay? Are they made gay by upbringing or circumstances? Is there a definate line someone has to cross in order to be considered gay? Should the drunk college girl who makes out with other drunk college girls for fun be considered gay and the lonely girl who sits in the back during math and secretly wishes she could kiss the girl up front but never acts on it not gay? Is love love whoever does it or is man/woman love somehow a better type of love than man/man or woman/woman?
I hope we can actually discuss this and not just give two line platitudes. I have to say that damn soap really got me thinking. Not enough thankfully to watch it regularly though.


Anonymous said...

My take is that being gay is mostly determined by a combination of genes and outside factors. This is why you see varying degrees of gay of people.
A person with say five of the six gay genes will realize they're gay at an early age and not even consider the opposite sex. A person with two of the six would be a late blumer so to speak and might not even consider themselves gay.
Not that there's any research or anything that I'm quoting on this, but I think that makes a good deal of sense when you stop and think about it. There isn't any one simple thing that makes a person gay. It's lots of things that come together inside someone's brain.
Going on this basis what makes and decides who's gay and who isn't can be established by looking at their genes. Drunk college girls making out with each other while equally drunk college guys cheer them on thus aren't gay just acting gay. The lonely girl in the back of the class is gay because she has the right brain chemicals even if she never acts.
And for the whole love thing...that ain't my department.

Headmaster said...

A snowstorm and computer problems this time. I guess it's fate that we ignore all your posts. Shame too, cuz this one had potential to it.
I say gays are biochemical. Love is love whoever gives and recieves it.

Defalco said...

I say that gay love is a higher type of love than straight people love.
I know, I know radical thinking that doesn't make much sense, but let me explain.
Man/man or woman/woman love isn't driven by procreation. Thus, it in a manner of speaking transcends simple biological attraction. A woman can like another woman because she's tall, thin, well muscled, or whatever other good body characteristics she wants to, but it won't really matter because she won't be able to pass those traits on to her young. The mechanism behind physical attraction becomes nearly pointless.
Sex itself could perhaps even be considered vestigial behavior. Gays and lesbians love each other for the person themselves and not physical features.

Headmaster said...

I see what you're saying, but there's some flaws in your thinking. First, where gay sex won't get any kids it could be sex just for sex sake. There won't need to be any long term relationship. It could be solely about sex flings.
Second, if we assume (dangerous, but necessary here) that Mr.222 is right and homosexuality is biochemical then it means that the physical attraction wiring is simply different and they find themselves attracted to the same gender.
Of course, if we continue down this line of thinking and debate we're going to end up with the 'people act like people no matter who they sleep with' conclusion, but as we alraedy know that in our heart of hearts we can skip it and get back to what makes people gay and how to decide if they are gay or not.