Friday, November 24, 2006

Which is More Powerful?

Okay everyone, once again it's me. I seem to be doing this a lot these last fews weeks. After Much Kingdom Hearts playing and Naruto watching Mr.222 and I have a question. We have been debating it between each other and are talking ourselves in circles. We've always thought that a person's mind is the most powerful thing they can own and while emotions are all well and good they can get in the way of reasoning and accomplishing goals. However, after aforementioned game playing and anime watching, we're rethinking this stance. We'll explain in posts.

The question: Which is more powerful, the mind or the heart?

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Crazy or just Insane?

There are shootings and robberies over the new Ps3. People are buying them for $600 and selling them online for as much as $3000. Do you think that people are getting too carried away? Is the ps3 really worth $600-$3000? How much is Sony to blame for all this?

Thursday, November 16, 2006

As usual I am way ahead of my time

I believe This should sound familar.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

I'm only happy when it rains

The Christmas season is starting.
Does anyone actually like Christmas anymore?

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

We now have titles!

Mr.222 and I finally figured out where the setting was to enable titles for our posts. It was in the settings section. That is all.

Monday, November 06, 2006

My question for the week got eaten or something. I don't know what happened there. Headmaster said he was trying to post stuff last night, but it wasn't working. Blogger might have been having problems.
My question this week is thus. Dragonrane isn't letting me play Final Fantasy 12 or any video games at all until Christmas. Not even so much as letting me look at freecell. My question.
Is it better to wait for something you really want and thus really like it when you finally get it and learn restraint and how to manage you needs and wants OR is it better to have something right when you want it and be happy and fulfilled?
You all can guess which position I take.