Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Okay everyone, we've decided that we're going to have a weekly question here and we'll take turns asking the questions. We came to this conclusion after we sent a few weeks talking around the house if you could defeat your evil self. I've come up with another good one so I'll go first.

If your body was damaged beyond repair would you want your mind transfered into an android body?

Personally, I wouldn't bother waiting for my body to be damaged and or broken. After watching Nate for the last two years I'd just skip to the robot body if I had my way. Think of all the advantges. Total memory recall, replacable parts, not to mention upgrades. I could finally achieve the dream of laser eyes. I wouldn't have to surf the internet all day I could find what I want through my wireless connection while shopping for supper.

In short, becoming a robot would quite possibly be the greatest thing that ever happened to me.



Hipster said...

Why would you get total memory recall? I understand the upgrades and the appeal of laser eyes. I mean who wouldn't want the laser eyes? But I think I need a little more facts on what I'd be getting out of this deal before I signed on.

Headmaster said...

I wouldn't want to be turned into a robot. Some of my best mental techniques that I spent years honing and perfecting are based on being organic and having a subconscious. Total memory would just overload my mind and I'd have to spend another twenty years rewiring how I think.

So no. I'd stay organic and let myself go.

Dragonrane said...

Oh sure you'd get the laser eyes, but whenever you got near anything magnetic you'd start going crazy and talking like your life was produced by Timerland.

Defalco said...

Are we talking Data or danger Will Robinson? Because I'd bet good money that Data has magnetic shielding.
I'd love to be a robot. Just tell me where to sign.