I tried. I did. You all know I did.
I can't find it in me to like Obama. All that talk of hope just doesn't reach me. I've never been one to believe in people, perhaps that's why I can't believe in him. I just find myself wanting to laugh when he talks about his plans and ideas.
They sound like they'd all work on paper, but in the real world things fall apart. In the real world ideas don't move mountains. Ideas don't fix things. I don't think he's going to realize that before it goes wrong. I don't think he's going to see the truth.
And the truth is that ideas don't work because people don't want them to work. People will stand and cheer and applaud you, yes, but secretly they don't want to see you succeed. Deep down people want to rip you down and tear you apart because they want to show you that you're just like them. They want to show you that despite all your talk and bravado you're just as weak and sad as they are.