Thursday, August 30, 2007

My cats know something I don't

The Golden Compass is coming out this December. I checked out the trailer and it looks pretty cool. The web site also had a game/test to discover what animal your daemon (soul) would be.
Mine came out as Athenestia the mouse.

I'm a mouse?! How did I end up a mouse? My cats are always calling me a thumb mousie. Their reasoning be I'm just a mouse with thumbs to them. Did they know something I didn't?

Try it yourself. Movie does look fairly good. They've got actors who can act too. Should be nice.

Saturday, August 25, 2007


Our good buddy and proud blogging member Nate spent four days in the hospital last week on a morphine drip. He had a rather simple procedure done Friday that resulted in a blocked pancreas.
He said it was a 8 to 9 on the pain scale.

Anywho, when it was all over we had a welcome back (again) get together at the house and I got to see the post hospitalization discussion/arguement between Nate and Dragonrane. These are always enjoyable as Nate drops all the best Nate-isms.

This time his best was, "What's the point?! What difference does it make in the long run?! I'm not the most important person in the world!"

So if it's not Nate, is it possible there is a most important person in the world? A person that the world needs, but maybe doesn't realize it? Or perhaps are we all equally important? But if we're all important doesn't that mean that none of us are? What do you think?

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Stand up and say hi

Well everybody in our ending quest for equality, or our never ending quest to get Dragonrane to stop nagging us, we have yet another new member. Once again a girl. Hooray for equality! Her interests include writing, journalism, and reading. She's going to be a senior in Kennett this year and her favorite subject is German. One of her favorite teachers is our old buddy Herr Weitz. Her hobbies are listening to country music, surfing the web, and feeling guilty over her bad handwriting on Christmas ornaments. I think she'll fit in fine. Everyone say hi now.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Can We and I be safe?

China plans to or perhaps already has set up a population tracking system using national ID cards that contain chips that must be with a person at all times. These chips also contain all sorts of lovely personal information such as religion, work history, where the person lives. That sort of thing.

The Government of course says it's trying to make it easier for police to clean up of crime as they can ask the satelite system where Criminal X is at that exact moment. Or perhaps where Guy Who Wants Ciivl Rights X is at that exact moment. The idea that they may be the same thing to some people isn't important. Besides that's their way of life. Who are we to impose our beliefs on others am I right?

Think how safe the Chinese people will be! Crime will nearly vanish if they pull this off. A person will never be really safe again, but what's a person to people? A person can be easily replaced, but people can't be. We need people to work the factories and keep the fires of industry burning. We need people to keep the wheels of society turning. We can't let anything happen to people.

We don't need persons anymore. We have people for that sort of thing.

Is there any place for persons in the world? Or have persons been shoved out of the way to make room for people? Can persons and people coexist or do they naturally cancel each other out?

Here's a better way of putting my question as I posted it after a hard day at work around one in the morning. Even I don't quite know what I was talking about now. If there's a sudden plague that no one can find a cure for and people are dying everywhere from then suddenly doctors discover one single person that's naturally immune and the only way to get the cure out of the person is to kill and dissect them do we do it or do we let the person live?

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Did China just ban Buddha?

The government of China has passed laws saying that living Buddhas (Dali Lamas) must get premission and approval before they reincarnate.

Okay, do they expect this to actually stop the reincarnation cycle? Do they expect this to really achieve any sort of end? I realize they're trying to clamp down on Tibet and the ruling party has never liked religion, but aren't there better ways of doing it? What's the government planning on doing next week? Outlawing death and giving life sentences for it? Does this make any sense to anyone?