Friday, June 29, 2007

A strange thought

The other night we were watching the Colbert Report (as everyone should) and he interviewed someone who had done research into physical characteristics that homosexual people had. The ones they showed during the interview were the hair will swirl a different direction and the ring finger and index finger will have certain length ratios. I'll give you all a moment to look this up and check yourselves.

Done? Good, I hope you came out the way you were hoping. Anyway, during the Colbert interview Stephen asked if this meant that homosexuality was genetic or maybe decided while the baby was still growing prebirth could that mean it could be identified and treated to be switched into a straight baby. The man reluctantly said that it was a ways away, but he didn't see why not.

But, if you could make a gay baby straight then why couldn't you turn a straight baby gay I asked myself. Then I remembered this from a month or so ago.

If we combine the two ideas what do we get? A self propagating colony of lesbians! Two women could have a baby on their own and make sure it's gay. The girls would grow up never seeing a man, but they wouldn't care because they're all gay. Their offspring would always be girls due to that neither of them would have the Y chromosome that is needed to make a boy baby, but I doubt they'd mind.

So, Kate and Natalie, if this marriage thing falls through for me which one of you wants to have my baby?

Monday, June 25, 2007

Welcome to the club!

Happy birthday Nate! Welcome to the quarter century club!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Manly men and the fathers who raised them

After reading through last week's question on scars it got me thinking about what's become of true manliness. Over the last decade or so what it means to be a man has stopped being what it should be (integrity, honor, standing up for others, etc..) and has transformed into something horribly wrong (Viagra, Rogaine, sexual conquests, etc...) . After I had given this some thought I came to the conclusion the fault may lay with the fathers of today's generation. They were and still are our primary role models and teachers on how to properly behave and bare the brunt of molding us into the men we eventually become.

So, as yesterday was father's day, let's talk about our dads. How cool were they huh? And more importantly were they the man?

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Chicks dig scars don't they?

I was enjoying my daily double dose of ER this morning when I saw an ad for children's scar remover. The six year old boy had a scar from stitches above his right eye and he was all proud to tell me mommy that there was a cream he could use to take away the scar.
When did scars become not cool? What happened to small children showing off their scars to each other because it made them look all aged and mature? Do parents not want their kids to have character anymore? Are we all supposed to be small perfect, flawless clones of each that no one can tell apart?
I don't know about you guys, but I'm proud of all my scars. Scars are signs that you've achieved something. I wouldn't give up my mine for anything. From the one on my face that stops the hair from growing out all the way to my pulsating noisy wrist and of course my foot long slash across my stomach I love 'em all. Who in their right mind wouldn't want badass scars?

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Girl Power!

I am ever so pleased to announce that my name is Cassandra Ward Edwards and that our newest member's name is Kate! Or KSpyder as I believe she will be calling herself. This site is finally after all these years getting the feminine touch. Girl power! If we could get two more we'll have total equalization between the sexes.

I just looked at the word sexes and started wondering who's nobody that would be....I hate you Rich.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Site upgrading

If all goes well this weekend I'm planning on upgrading some aspects of the site. Over on Optimates they have a recent comments sidebar. If we could get that it would make things easier as we would not have to memorize the number of comments on each post to know if there's been a new comment. There's a few things I need to do first, but as I said I hope to have it up soon.
That is all.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

I never liked blondes

Paris Hilton has been released from jail after five days and will spend the next 40 under house arrest with an electronic monitoring device. I'm not usually one to get upset about these type of things, but what the hell? Five days and she gets out? It's just disgusting.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Monday, June 04, 2007

Best week ever!

No question this week as we got loads of partying to do for people. Wednesday is the big day for Dragonrane and Boykind and Nate gets to celebrate not being stuck in the lovely Renal Wing of Maine Medical. I just wanted to post that video I found on youtube the other night. Who can't love that song?